Fiber Optics

Frequently Asked Questions With Yellowstone Fiber

Questions are a vital part of learning and understanding, especially when it comes to your internet connection. So to help make things easier, we’ve put together this list of frequently asked questions and answers, designed to help you better understand our services and what to expect from our network.

Lit Fiber vs Dark Fiber

If you’ve done your research on fiber networks, you’ve probably heard that some networks use “lit fiber” and some use “dark fiber.” But what do those terms mean exactly? If you’ve thought this don’t worry- we’re here to explain!

7 Myths of Fiber Internet

Even though it’s been around for decades, fiber-optic internet is still often seen as new technology, because of this there are often many misconceptions and myths that surround it. These myths often make fiber internet seem not as safe or reliable as traditional copper connections which couldn’t be further from the truth!